Newspaper pros and cons

If I want to increase profit I would...

Hire more journalists to cover a bigger range of events.
Pros: You may get more views/ audiences and could attract some niche audiences as well
Cons: Will have to spend more money

Put more ‘sponsored content’ online and in your paper.
Pros: You can earn money from it
Cons: less space to put your news on, people may feel that it may be unreliable.

Sack journalists
Pros:  Less money going out
Cons: Less stories will be shared to the audience which could mean money loss.

Make journalists tweet more.
Pros: It's a way of promoting so you could gain more audience and possibly money
Cons: You will have to give them extra

Make journalists write about celebrities more.
Pros: Might gain more audience which is more profit
Cons: The more important topics might not be seen more.
Increase cost of paper
Pros: You will get more
Cons: people might not buy it anymore
Put up ‘pay wall’
Cons:Ask readers to write more stories (for free)
Pros: that can get more audience
Cons: they
Shut down your paper (go online only)

Decrease price of newspaper (or make it free)



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